CSRA Walk for Water
Saturday, November 9th
Walk Starts at 9 AM
The CSRA is uniting to bring safe water to hundreds of men, women, and children across the world. Local schools, churches, businesses, and individuals are putting their feet into action by raising awareness, raising money, and walking for water.
The CSRA Walk for Water 2024 will bring together teams of participants from both sides of the Savannah River and from all walks of life, as we boldly battle the global water crisis which affects 2.1 billion people around the world. Together, we can make a real difference by bringing safe water to people in need. Register or donate today. The walk starts at 9 AM (gates open at 8 AM).
Walk will take place RAIN or SHINE.
Why Walk?
Every day, millions of women and children in developing countries walk nearly 4 miles to retrieve water for their family's daily needs. In most cases, even after walking for miles and miles, the water they have to drink is contaminated.
Our walk will simulate this trek to raise awareness of the global water crisis here in our community. Each participant will start the walk with an empty bucket. About half-way through, they will fill that bucket with water and complete the remainder of the course. We hope that all participants end the walk with a better understanding of the challenges people around the world face daily in search of something that we often take for granted - water.

In Africa Women Spend 200 Million Hours per Day Walking For Water.

One Person Dies Every 37 Seconds from Water-Related Illnesses.

50% of the Developing World’s Hospital Beds Are Filled With People Suffering from Water Related Diseases.

443 Million School Days Are Missed Every Year Because of the Global Water Crisis.

Every $1 Invested in Safe Water Yields $4-$34 in Economic Return.

4.2 Billion People Lack Access to Adequate Sanitation.
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